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How to become an Orthopaedic Technologist through CSOT

To become an Orthopaedic Technologist through CSOT, individuals need to either have a background in the medical field starting an apprenticeship with a hospital, or they obtain training as an Orthopaedic Technician from a reputable educational facility.  To become a member of CSOT, once employment has been obtained, individuals can then apply for a CSOT Student Membership.  This membership will require proof of employment, and a form completed by the Orthopaedic Surgeon or manager that signs off on your knowledge and skill set before attempting any written examinations with our society. 

It is highly beneficial for individuals to also work with a registered Orthopaedic Technologist to ensure that you learn all of the skills required to pass the registration process.  After 850 hours have been completed and the Orthopaedic Surgeon feels you are ready, individuals then need to register / upgrade their membership to be a Full Member to be eligible for the written examination.  To be eligible for the examination you will need to be a CSOT member for a minimum of one year.  Once you meet the criteria you can register for the CSOT written examination.  Upon successful completion or the written examination, individuals may then complete the Oral and Practical portion of the exam which is an in-person hands-on exam held in the spring and fall of each year. This exam is monitored and run by Registered Orthopaedic Technologists.  Details of this process are available on our website.

We do not have a college, or registry body.  After the written, oral and practical examinations have been completed successfully, members then obtain a Registered Status and will receive a numbered registry pin and certificate.  We do require CEU (Continuing Education) points of our registered members to be submitted yearly to maintain their Registered Status.  CSOT is not able to recommend any outside educational programs.

Outside Canada

While residing outside of Canada you can obtain an Associate Membership with CSOT.  However, this level does not allow you to complete the written examination with CSOT to become a Registered Orthopaedic Technologist in Canada.    

Immigrants to Canada, including Orthopaedic Surgeons, should be aware that employment as an Orthopaedic Technician in a Canadian hospital must be acquired before you can join the CSOT as a Full/Student Member. The CSOT is not set up to assess foreign credentials before you arrive in Canada. The CSOT does not provide employment placements. To find more information on obtaining qualifications in Canada click here

Once you have obtained the required certifications in Canada, should you wish to reside in Canada, please visit our website here for more information on becoming a CSOT Full or Student member.  To be eligible to write the examination, you would need to be a full member and able to provide 850 worked hours in Canada.

Join us!

Registered Technologists in Canada are highly valued members of the allied healthcare team. 

To begin the journey towards registration, one must first be gainfully employed as an Orthopaedic Technician, training under a Registered Technologist and be sponsored by an Orthopaedic Surgeon at their place of employment.

Once 850 hours, or one full year of training at the technician level has occurred, candidates are encouraged to apply for Full Membership at which time they may sit the examination process as laid out by the CSOT to progress to becoming a Registered Orthopaedic Technologist.

About CSOT

Founded in 1972, the Canadian Society of Orthopaedic Technologists (CSOT), recognized the importance of identifying and credentialling competent Orthopaedic Technologists.

Contact Us


Toll Free: 1-855-415-3917

Fax: 1-905-415-0071

20 Crown Steel Drive, Unit 6

Markham, ON

L3R 9X9

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